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Mrs J Crawford & Messrs G S Knowles, K Ramanah & J A Soma

Show the last races (if available)
Race DateVenue HorseJockeyTrainerDistDrFinLBHTimeConditionTypeSurfaceCoursePrize
2017-01-28Kenilworth KLOPPSean VealeBrett Crawford10004107.6059.88GoodJuv StksTurfMainR150000
2017-02-22Kenilworth KLOPPCorne OrfferBrett Crawford1200733.2574.10GoodMdn Juv PlateTurfMainR80000
2017-03-18Kenilworth KLOPPCorne OrfferBrett Crawford1400321.2589.34GoodMdn Juv PlateTurfMainR80000
2017-05-21Kenilworth KLOPPCorne OrfferBrett Crawford140061-0.0587.32GoodMdn Juv PlateTurfMainR80000
2017-06-24Kenilworth KLOPPBernard Fayd'HerbeBrett Crawford1500655.6593.58Good(Listed)TurfMainR200000
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