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Mr T Gujadhur

Show the last races (if available)
Race DateVenue HorseJockeyTrainerDistDrFinLBHTimeConditionTypeSurfaceCoursePrize
2022-09-25Mauritius ZUM ZUMNishal TeehaV Ruhee1400621.6087.21GoodA Div Cls1TurfMainR0
2022-10-29Mauritius ZUM ZUMMonesswarai SonaramV Ruhee150021-1.7092.34GoodG Div Cls7TurfMainR54077
2022-11-27Mauritius ZUM ZUMIannish TakaV Ruhee150031-1.2090.97GoodG Div Cls7TurfMainR60516
2022-12-11Mauritius ZUM ZUMIannish TakaV Ruhee160041-0.3597.95GoodF Div Cls6TurfMainR68669
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