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Mr & Mrs K J Chetty

Show the last races (if available)
Race DateVenue HorseJockeyTrainerDistDrFinLBHTimeConditionTypeSurfaceCoursePrize
2018-03-25Borrowdale MASTER SHOGUNRyan MungerPenny Fisher1700420.75104.56GoodMR 55 HCPTurfMain$7000
2018-04-01Borrowdale MASTER SHOGUNRyan MungerPenny Fisher16006811.25100.38S/SoftMR 65 HCPTurfMain$7000
2018-06-02Borrowdale MASTER SHOGUNWayne AgrellaPenny Fisher12005610.0072.41GoodNov PlateTurfMain$7000
2018-06-17Borrowdale MASTER SHOGUNHennie GreylingPenny Fisher1800595.65110.36GoodMR 60 HCPTurfMain$7000
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